Lost and Found

Lost & Found – Finding HOPE in the Detours of Life by Sarah Jakes

What a remarkable story!!!  I was captivated by this book from the first page… and by the end, I was in awe of the wisdom of this young woman.

While I have not experienced any of the circumstances that Ms. Jakes has, I somehow found myself in this story.  Perhaps because I too thought that God had so given up on me…  that He was just soooo tired of giving me just one more chance to “get it right”.  In this book, I found the words to my own song: Continue reading

God, Grace and Gumption

It wasn’t my plan, but I spent the entire day yesterday reading a most amazing book – Miss Brenda and the Loveladies by Brenda Spahn and Irene Zutell.

As the subtitle reads…  “One woman’s brush with prison… A community of women fighting the odds for survival on the outside…”

Some years back in another life, I had a family member end up in prison after being convicted of murdering her sister.  She ended up in prison at the young age of 18.  Scroll forward 15+ years…  unable to cope with the free world, with no skills and no one to give a second chance to a murderer…  and then wondering why she ended up back in prison??  Continue reading

The Gospel Of God’s Grace

confident heart

“Have you I let the gospel of God’s grace move from your my head to your  my heart, so that you I know without a shadow of a doubt that you are I am known intimately and loved completely by God?” “A Confident Heart” pg 41.

I grew up in a wonderful, complete, warm and loving family.  Mom and dad saw to it that we were in church every weekend, that we attended weekly religious instructions, and received all of the Sacrements of the Church.

I grew up knowing about God.  I knew OF Him… I just didn’t KNOW Him.  I knew that God loved me.  I just didn’t know how deeply and how He truly loved me and how much He longed for a relationship with me.  I didn’t know that He wanted a relationship with me that would last for all eternity.  All is knew at that time is that if I followed all the rules that that would be good enough to get me into Heaven. Continue reading

30 Day Prayer Challenge

So we’ve just entered the last week of the “When A Woman Says Yes To God” online bible study that I’ve been participating in.  This really has been an eye-opening time for me.  I’ve learned so much about myself and my walk with God during this time.  I’ve discovered that I’m tired of “dancing around the edges”.   I’ve found that I am hungry for more of Him.   I’m finding that I have no desire for useless noise (ie television)… I am savoring the quiet.  I am anxious to wake up in the morning to see what blessings and knowledge the day will hold.

In the last Chapter of the book, the author – Lysa TerKeurst – challenges the reader, that after reading and studying this book still says NO to becoming radically obedient to God, to spend the next 30 days praying and asking God to reveal Himself to her and fill her with a desire for Him like never before. (pg 143)

I read this paragraph a few times and I wondered why it pertained only to the reader that says NO to being radically obedient to God.   I have said Yes to God, and with apologies to the author, but I am going to spend the next 30 days asking God to reveal more of Himself to me and fill me with a deeper desire for Him like I’ve never felt before.

So what do I really want?

  • I want more of God’s blessing on my life and my family.
  • I want to know without a doubt what His plan is for my life. Continue reading