Praying God’s Promises

Praying God's Promises: The Life-Changing Power of Praying the ScripturesPraying God’s Promises: The Life-Changing Power of Praying the Scriptures by Linda Evans Shepherd
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

“Prayer changes things. Praying God’s promises changes everything. The Scriptures tell us that when we pray the will of God, he delights to answer our prayers. But what is God’s will in any given situation? How can we know it? And if we don’t know it, how can we pray it?

In this inspiring book, Linda Evans Shepherd reveals that God’s will is not a mystery–it’s clearly laid out in his Word through his many promises. Through stories, practical application, examples of prayers, and guided reflection, she leads you toward a more powerful prayer life. Arranged by topic for ease of use, this book shows how to pray God’s promises of peace, for health, for relationships, for our children, and so much more.”

Praying God’s Promises – The Life-Changing Power of Praying the Scriptures by Linda Evans Shepherd is the fifth book that I have read and review by Ms. Shepherd. I continue to be in awe of her grasp of Scriptures. In this book, Ms. Shepherd reminds us that our God is a God of promises; and these promises are for us, His children, we need only to know how to pray these promises. As she says in the Introduction of this book, “God’s promises are about drawing you ever nearer to Him so that He can lavish His love upon you.”

Through 27 chapters or “Promise Gardens” as she calls them, Ms. Shepherd brings us the promises in the Scriptures, and then leads the reader through a powerful prayer experience about each promise of God. In this prayer, we declare each promise so that the power of God can ignite the promise in your life.

The topics of the “Promise Garden of Answered Prayers” include: Blessings, Answers to Prayer, Breakthroughs, Children, Comfort, Healing, Hope, Peace and a couple dozen more. I truly enjoyed this book. It has served as a reminder of the all of the promises God has given His children and that all I need do is ask and believe. I would encourage you to pick up this book and spend some quiet time reminding yourself of just how much you are loved by a good and gracious God that wants to shower His children with answered prayers.

About the Author: Linda Evans Shepherd is an award-winning author, a successful speaker, and a radio personality. The president of Right to the Heart Ministries, she is the author of When You Don’t Know What to Pray and Experiencing God’s Presence. She and her husband live in Colorado.

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Reviews of Ms. Shepherd’s other books from my Blog at

Called to Pray…

The Stress Cure…

Praying Through the Hard Times…

Experiencing God’s Presence…

*Disclaimer: I received a copy of this book through the Revell Blogger Review Program, in exchange for my honest review. All opinions are my own, and no monetary compensation was received for this review.

View all my reviews

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